In all seriousness, we need to work together to eliminate the use of rascist derogatory terms. And there is NEVER an excuse to refer to a female or females as hos. Unacceptable.
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"One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." -Chinese Proverb
I agree, I think that we should do away with racist comments. But as long as there is opposition and Satan is around I doubt that will happen.
It is interesting that you say that Jeremy. I have recently thought about how bad the world has gotten in certain areas, but how it has improved in others. Rascism is one area I really feel that we as a race have improved on. I especially feel this has improved in the US. We still have leaps and bounds to go, but isn't the progress we've made so far remarkable? I believe we owe this to our forefathers who stood up for equal rights, and the powerful african-american leaders who had a dream and fought for it.
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